Orange. Orange. Okay well, nothing technically rhymes with orange but that doesn’t take away from this fun and quirky colour and that’s exactly why we named it the colour of the month for April.
Orange is associated with enthusiasm, creativity, enjoyment, and above all, fun. Turn those qualities into a funky manicure utilizing a soft peach coloured polish and white accents. White compliments light orange shades like peach, cantaloupe, salmon, and coral, for a fun simple spring design. Combine the two in a chevron pattern, polka dots, or stripes.
While orange and white pair well together, use caution adding black to your orange nails as this can easily conjure up unwanted Halloween vibes, especially if you’re using bright oranges or neons. If you’re into celebrating Halloween all year round, go forth with bold orange and black combos. We’ve got you covered.
Not a huge fan of orange but still want to give it a try? Reach for a fiery orange-red, or a metallic copper for a simple, vibrant set of rockin’ orange nails.
Orange you glad we named orange as our colour of the month?